What are the technical requirements?
Contact Us! We are happy to help with your equipment needs, questions, and concerns to help get you started !
PC with i5 Processor
USB Headset Connectivity
PC Only
(No Mac or Chromebook)
Keyboard and Mouse
Hard Wired Internet Connection
We will review all system requirements with you and even help get you a PC !

Is this right for you?
In order to help ensure your success, you must have a strong working knowledge of computers:
- You need to be able to use a mouse and computer keyboard
- You need to be able to shut down and turn on the computer properly
- You need to have the to navigate through multiple screens
- You need to understand how to navigate the computer’s files and desktop environment
- You need basic knowledge of programs including how to launch and close a computer program
- You need to understand how to use e-mail
- You need to know how to use the Internet
- You need to know how to create, name, save and delete a folder
- You need to know how to clear cache, cookies and history
Wi-Fi is prohibited your PC or laptop MUST be connected to the modem.
Office Space Requirements
- No background noise allowed while servicing phone clients.
- Separate office space with a door that locks
- No distractions

Please run the PC Check to see if your current computer meets the Recommended Technical Requirements.
Here are a few great computers that meet requirements for all clients. Most clients are now increasing the computer processor requirement to be at least an i5 processor so I highly advise you get a computer that is at least an i5.
*** Please note: These requirements are minimum requirements for use of the Arise Platform only. Certain client programs may have increased, or additional, requirements. Please review all opportunity announcements carefully for details regarding such requirements. Please make sure you fill out the qualification checklist for the client before enrolling.
*** Agents must service on the computer they use to perform the PC Scan at time of enrollment. If it is determined the computer is different than the one used at time of enrollment, and it is incompatible with the client program, neither a refund nor a voucher will be issued
*** Mac (Apple) computers are no longer supported by Arise clients
Workstation requirements

We are happy to help with your equipment needs, questions, and concerns to help get you started !